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Education & Training

Meeting your education needs with:

  • Charrettes
  • Workshops
  • Presentations
  • Training
  • Speaking Engagements

We provide education at the cutting edge of practice for professionals in the operation, design and construction of high-performance, green projects.  Our educational sessions focus on showing and involving the participants in an engaging manner to assist in better learning.  Each session is full of real-world case studies and examples based on our extensive project experience for more than a decade in applying what we teach.  Interactive exercises often enforce co-learning experiences.  We firmly believe that collectively we know far more than any of us do individually and we strive to bring that attitude to every training.

We specialize in teaching professionals who want to know the “why” and not just the “what”.  While we teach about LEED we focus not on the mechanics of each credit and how to do the minimum, but on how to apply the rating system in a holistic manner that makes sense for the project and the environment.  When we teach about daylighting we concentrate on how to improve the performance of your design, not how to do the LEED calculations.  Energy modeling training covers the proper process for applying it, not just how to do it at the end to figure out how many LEED points the project earns.

Our education offerings include one hour, half-day, full day and multi-day trainings and workshops on a wide variety of related subjects.  Topics include:USGBC Education

Integrative Design
Energy – Energy Modeling, Energy Efficiency
Regenerative Design
Green Materials

7group is proud to collaborate with the following organizations: