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Episode 8- What is the fifth universal element?

The last four episodes explored: Habitat, Water, Energy, and Materials. These four key subsystems correspond to the four elements of Alchemist tradition: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Eastern philosophy includes a fifth element: Akasha – space, spirit, or consciousness. This Sanskrit word means “ether”, or all-pervasive space; it is considered the first and most fundamental of the elements – the womb from which everything we perceive has emerged. Yet the role consciousness plays in pursuing sustainability remains largely ignored; this episode focuses on its practical ramifications.

Our guest, Lauren Yarmuth, is a Principle of YRG Consultants, an international green consulting firm. She integrates her work on green buildings with yoga, using an approach that sees consciousness as a primary aspect of achieving a sustainable condition. We will discuss how and why pragmatic practitioners of green design are realizing the need to include this perspective in the world of green consulting.

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